Artificial Intelligence Meets The Real-World of Veterinary Medicine
Radimal was founded on the idea that the continued innovation and adoption of technology, including artificial intelligence, is key to advancing the field of veterinary medicine. We firmly believe that Radimal, as a company, and animal medicine as an industry, has a fundamental and continuous ethical responsibility to support patient welfare, and operates under the following 3 guiding principles:
- Patient outcomes are the most important consideration
- Only doctors make decisions regarding patient treatment options
- Technology, when appropriate, should be used to further #1 & #2
To achieve our aim of advancing animal medicine, we have adopted the following product development philosophy:
- Veterinary doctors and technology professionals should always be partnered in developing new products. Ethical leadership in both medicine and technology is key to creating the best quality products, and both must be present at all times.
- Data, both quantitative and qualitative, is essential to guiding and proving the effectiveness of any innovation.
- Our focus is solely on real-world impact, which is a higher standard than any limited study. Real-world impact is specifically measured by the following:
- Increase in the accuracy of completing any medically relevant task
- Increase in the efficiency of completing any medically relevant task
- Increase in the satisfaction of completing any medically relevant task
Real-world impact being our sole area of concern, we acknowledge the following key ‘hidden factors’ be accounted for:
- Veterinarians don’t just treat animals, they treat the people who love them, and the best solutions will also benefit pet parents.
- Even if we develop a system that is accurate 100% in treating patients, and is shown to increase both efficiency by 100% and satisfaction by 100%, adoption into daily workflow is still a prerequisite for success.
- Every patient is entirely unique, as is every medical professional, and therefore so is every patient consultation. We must aim to account for all styles, levels, cultures, notions, and any other factors which contribute to real-world medical success.
We currently have the following areas of interest that are represented by our team and product offering, supporting the daily needs of veterinarians and veterinary teams worldwide:
- Secure storage of patient radiographs with easy web-based viewing
- Automatic identification of radiograph species, body region, orientation
- Image acquisition guidance and image enhancement
- On-demand retrieval of any radiograph from cloud storage
- AI Initial Assessment tool providing insights for 30+ conditions in minutes
- Patient proritization by risk assessment of high/medium/low
- Highlighting of areas of interest for each condition on radiograph
- Ability for rDVM to use the tool to confirm/deny/add any finding
- For rDVMs, easy access to board-certified specialist consultations
- For specialists, an AI-powered interpretation and report generation workflow
- Integration with existing PIMS, EMR, and billing systems
- CE and industry participation, especially regarding the usage of AI in radiology